EEP – Day 11

I finally got my hands dirty with the topic of Mitosis. In addition, I almost finished my own notes on the chapter. 

I like writing notes because it helps me absorb the information and they are very useful prior to exams.
Today was pretty much everything about this topic. Once done with it I solved a chemistry exam – the last one available – together with my study partner at the university. We did very well! It gives us such a confidence boost. Great feeling! 
We decided to call it an early evening tonight and left around 20:00. I needed some ‘sofa time’ under my favourite blanket while watching movies. Sometimes it’s good to simply switch off. To forget about the books for a couple of hours.
The next days will be intense. I need to cover 2 more biology topics until Wednesday and I seriously need to catch up in biochemistry. Moreover, I should review all the general chemistry topics that are relevant to the exam and find a way to fit in some physiology reading into all this. 
I can do this. One thing at a time. I can do it. 

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