Mytomatodiary #15

9th of October

Total number of tomatoes: 6
  • Norwegian: 4  [Grammar; Reading; Prepositions] = I’m insisting on practising the 4th part of the exam which is grammar. You are given a pair of sentences and you have to fill in the gaps in the second sentence so that the meaning of both (sentences) is the exact same. The sentences I’ve been working on are a bit too hard but I think I should see the hardest ones first.
  • Human Physiology: 2 [Respiratory System] = Everything is quite logical. I feel so excited when I read about the body breading mechanics. I’m falling behind but I’m counting on these next 3 days to work hard.
I’m not very impressed by my performance. I wake up thinking that I’m gonna be super productive but for some reason or another I always postpone the studying time. It’s a bit disappointing, I must admit. But I don’t want to make a big deal out of it. I’ll change this. It’s all about self-discipline.
Good night! 

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