All the sudden is 2015

Time flies!
I don’t even know how but I haven’t been able to post anything lately. I’ll explain everything later on.
It’s difficult to wish for a better year in 2015 when 2014 was so amazing. 2014 has been the best year of my entire life. So yes, it’s difficult to say goodbye to 2014.

2014 – The Positives

  • I have travelled a lot.
  • I ran my first half marathon.
  • I learned a lot by participating in MOOC’s (Massive Online Open Courses).
  • I passed the Bergenstest (Norwegian advanced test).
  • I ate much less meat.
  • I enjoyed my job like never before.

2014 – Things I wish that went better

  • Improving my connection with God.
  • More self-discipline when it comes to studying. I messed up a couple of times. 
  • Meditation. I really failed here. 

2015 – Wishes

  • All the things that did not go so well in 2014 are to reverse.
  • Medical school is obviously a big goal for me. However, I don’t want to look at my premed process as a matter of ‘life or death’, ‘kill or be killed’, if you know what I mean. First of all, I wish to remain open to all possibilities and do my best at all times. The time when I was depending on my parents is over and that’s the most amazing thing I’ve conquered in my life: independence.
  • Eat better, live better.
  • I wish for a better world. Hopefully, the world will converge instead of diverging. We (humankind) need a plan. Technology is developing exponentially and we will not be able to make it up to the machines this time around. The world relies on an economic system that needs to be changed.


Happy New Year! 

An inspiring message


62 days

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