
Trade-off = a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise: a trade-off between objectivity and relevance.
In many ways, life is the result of our choices. 

The best thing about working night shift is the flexibility in terms of timetable. 
My schedule is very flexible. I usually work between 8 and 11 nights every month which is roughly a 60% part-time position. Every night shift has a duration of 10 hours. 
In other words, there is room to work extra if I wish to do it.
Now, that I no longer attend classes at the University of Oslo nor have the entrance exams, is the golden opportunity to make some extra money. 
This is my current trade-off. Work as much as possible before moving to Gdansk OR enjoy the most carefree months of my life since I have moved to Oslo. 
The thing with money is that the more I save, the more I want to save. Regardless of the amount of cash I never get the feeling of security that I originally expected. 
Anyway, the loan we get to study abroad allows us to live quite comfortably in Poland.
So yes, this time around I am choosing free time over extra money. I will finish my medical education in debt nevertheless. The extra money I could possibly get during the summer will not make that much of a difference in 6 years. 
In summary,
  • Money is not everything.
  • The loan we get is enough to live comfortably in Poland.
  • In the bigger picture, the extra money I could possibly make would not change much.
  • I want to recharge all my batteries before medical school reality slaps me in the face.
Let this be the best summer of my life! 

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