Mytomatodiary #33

5th of November


Total number of tomatoes: 9

  • Human Physiology: 6 [The Urinary System – General Structure and Function; Filtration Rate and Regulation; Reabsorption and Secretion; Regulation and Fluid Balance] = Going through these videos felt like running the marathon. So much information about what happens in the kidneys… However, I think it’s very useful info. Now I understand why the kidney is a vital organ. Did you know that 180L of plasma are filtrated by the kidneys every day? Insane! 
  • Biology: 3 [Active and Passive Cell Transports; Metabolic Pathways; Thermodynamics] = What’s been taking so long about the Active and Passive Transports is to write my own notes. I decided to take notes about the most important topics and it takes me a while sometimes. Today I started with Chapter 4 and that means progress to me. Tomorrow I’ll be studying what exactly are enzymes and how they work.
I’m pretty tired today. I think Physiology exhausted my brain today. Right now I can’t think about anything else other than lying in bed and sleep deeply.
Tomorrow is another day and I intend to do a lot! My weekly deadline is on Saturday, so I better be productive the next 3 days. 
Have a nice week! 

The next batch!

A quick recap

Until we meet again UiO

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