Motivation swings

My motivation has reached its lowest point ever in the past weeks. 
I have been feeling so lost. Lonely. Somehow I fell into a strange ‘apathy mode’. Not sure of where I am supposed to go, sceptical about my strong intuitive side, many questions without a clear answer. A mess.

But things are about to change.
It’s time to put my shit together and start kicking ass. I’m sick of letting myself down. Time to wake up Hugo!
The registration for the exams in May is open until the 1st of February. In order to get into medical school in Norway, you’re required to do:
  • Biology I and Biology II
  • Chemistry I and II
  • Physics I.
I’m still waiting for my (Norwegian) GPA but these subjects I am sure that I’ll have to take them anyway.

Each exam costs 1000 NOK (about 130 USD according to today’s exchange rate) when taken for the first time, or 2000 NOK when retaken (to improve your grade).

I haven’t decided yet which exams I should take. For sure Biology I and Chemistry I. Perhaps Physics I in addition?

Things I must do in the next days:

  • Register for the exams.
  • Start some serious studying.
  • Get the Norwegian books used in high school.
  • Understand what is expected to know for the exam. 


Let’s do it! 

62 days

Contract renewal

A quick recap

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