A medical student blog

This is a medical student blog. So for those of you who

  • want to study medicine in Europe;
  • wish to know more about a medical student lifestyle;
  • are looking for tips on how to survive medical school;
  • or simply enjoy my writing style;

Welcome. You have come to the right blog. 

The main purpose of this blog is to write about my journey as a medical student aspirant.

A few things about me:

  • Age: Somewhere in my 20’s.
  • Born and raised in Portugal. 
  • Living in Oslo (Norway) since August 2011.
  • Favourite colour: orange.
  • 3 Short-term goals: to stop biting my nails for good, pass the Bergenstest (Norwegian language test – advanced level), and make my way into medical school.
  • 3 Long-term goals: to become a doctor, to be fluent in more than 2 languages, and help to make the world a better place to live in.

The neighbor I fell in love with

2nd-year booklist

Recharging mode

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