Lise Donbæk

Let me introduce you to Lise Dobæk!

This year, I asked everyone who studied in my group to answer some questions. I believe it is important for you to read about others’ experience as medical students in Gdansk. So today I am posting Lise Dobæk’s answers. 

Name = Lise Donbæk.

Age = 23.

Country of origin = Denmark.

Languages = Danish, Norwegian, English.

Favourite restaurant in Gdansk = Prologue.

Zodiac sign = Scorpio.

1 – What motivated you to study medicine?

I always wanted to study medicine because it’s super interesting and I know that working in this field will never get me bored. It was important for me to choose something exciting, meaningful and still challenging. I also love to study, always have.

2 – Why did you choose Gdansk?

I choose Gdansk because I wanted to live near the sea in a small town. So Gdansk was perfect and much cheaper than other options.

3 – What do you like the most about the city? Is there anything you would like to see improved? 

I love that Gdansk is so small with so many beautiful streets and buildings. Due to the fact that all the students live so close to each other, you never feel alone.

Yes, I am getting pretty tired of all the tourists in the summer. They can stop visit! I like having the town by myself 

4 – Have you studied anything else before you started medicine? 

No, I only did the premed in Oslo Bjøknes, but that was not the best, to be honest. The only positive thing was that I met some girls who also started in Gdansk. Now they are some of the closest friends to me.

5 – What are the things you wish you knew before medical school?

Anatomy! Haha, just kidding. That would have made 1st-year a lot easier. Anyway, you get through it in the end.

6 – What was your favourite subject so far? What about your least favourite? Why?

My favourite subject so far is Physiology, maybe because the teachers were really good. In addition, the subject is so interesting and important.  

My least favourite subject is microbiology, but that is only because that department is terrible and some of the teachers really don’t know how to work with the students. Microbiology is actually a really good and important subject. So just do it on your own and it will be fun. Informatics and Biostatistics was also a terrible subject that we are never going to use again in our country. 

7 – What is the hardest thing about being a medical student?

Not sure. Maybe that you need to have good discipline and be willing to put down the hours in order to understand the different subjects.

Also being away from family and good friends in the home country. It is never easy to keep in contact all the time, but be sure you don’t lose what is important from your life.

8 – What is the number one tip you would give to a freshman?

Relax, don’t stress. That never helps. If you study hard and don’t give up, you will get through it in the end. It is important to take breaks and be with friends. The sooner you understand that we, students, should be helping each other, the easier the study gets the better are your odds of surviving 1st-year. So chill and study anatomy. 

9 – What do you usually do during your study breaks in order to relax?

In my study breaks, I sleep (about 23 min), cook, make plans with friends, watch one episode of a series.

10 – Have you thought of any specialities that might interest you?

No, there are so many specialities to choose from. We will see in 3rdyear if I know what I want to do.

11 – Complete the sentence. I would not have survived the first two years of medical school without… My sister and positive friends.

12 – Which disease would you choose to eradicate today?

Not a disease exactly, but if I could I would work to find other ways to treat MRSA and other multi-resistant bacteria. Since this is going to be a big worldwide problem and some places already is a big problem.

13 – Which superpower would you like to have?

Haha. I would love to be able to fly. Or maybe heal people with my hands.

14 – Which holiday destination is at the top of your list?

Right now I would go back to Australia and live there for a year, maybe do 4th-year down there.

15 – Do you have any dream you would like to share with the rest of us?

I want to own a big sailboat and have a good looking man that can sail it for me, so I can sail around the world.

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