High School Exams

Some days ago I received a letter back from Samordnaopptak.
I got it just in time since the registration for the high school examinations in Norway is open until the 1st of February. 

They fully recognized my Portuguese education, which is great. In order to apply to medicine in Norway, it is required that I pass:
  • Chemistry 1 and 2;
  • Physics 1.
Don’t ask me why they don’t demand any Biology. But they don’t. 
So the focus is now on Chemistry and Physics.
The exams will be in May. The official dates for Chemistry 1 and Physics 1 are not available yet. They will be known until the 1st of April. By the way: these are oral exams, not written. I don’t really know how they usually do it or what is expected from us, students. I will have to find out about it as soon as possible.
Chemistry 2 will be in late May. This exam will have 2 independent parts. Written and oral. I must pass both parts in order to get it done.
I have already registered. The price for each exam is 1000 NOK if you are taking the subject for the first time (which is my case). If you want to improve your grade, you must pay 2000 NOK.
All together I had to pay 4000 NOK (512 USD or 453 EUR). It is ridiculously expensive. Welcome to Norway. 
From now on I have actually a good reason to study hard. Cheers to that! 

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