EEP – Day 13

I woke up with a message from my boss asking me to work tonight. 

Result? Cancelling the study group session I had with Matilde at the university and reschedule my entire day so that I could make it to work at 21:30.
I managed to finish my notes on 2 biology chapters, which is very good. I haven’t made a big review as I’ve wanted to. It is so easy to feel that we’re in control when we’re actually not…
So I’m working the next 3 nights and tomorrow I have 4 hours of mandatory lectures. 
I was checking my working calendar for the next month. I will be working the nights 2nd and 3rd of March, which leaves me with only half the day on the 4th (since I need to sleep some hours). In the morning of the 5th, it’s the written exam. 
This all means that I’ll have to be extremely disciplined from Saturday until next Friday since it will be the only entire free week that I have to focus on studying. I will not be able to learn anything properly after that since my working load increases substantially. Those days will be good as a review though. 
With good planning, I will be able to make it all work.
The entrance exams are getting closer and closer… And soon I’ll start feeling butterflies in my stomach. 

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