Changing perspective

I have some things to say about what I wrote in this post (in January). Especially regarding my own evaluation of the pros and cons of studying abroad versus studying in Norway. 

  • I can’t really say that living far away from the ones I love is a big con. There might be moments when you feel lonely but on the other hand, it’s so much easier to focus. Best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and so on can be quite a distraction as well.
  • No matter where you study a percentage of your loan will be converted into a scholarship if you finish your degree in 6 years. That being said, my student loan will be greater if I study abroad but it will not take me forever to pay back once I get a job as a doctor in Norway.
  • Having to learn a new language sucks. I still agree with it at this point. The studies will be in English though, which is a big plus for me.
  • Yes, it’s harder to get a job in Norway when you study medicine abroad. But it’s not impossible. Far away from it. As long as I can speak Norwegian and have some work experience in health, I believe that it will not be that much of a problem to get something here.
  • The old school system and the rumours regarding the examinations. After talking with some medical students in Budapest it does not seem that teachers will fail you for no reason. You must know the material. Otherwise, you’ll be failed. That’s more the deal. Every now and then you might hear something a little provocative. In my opinion, that’s just what happens in the real world anyway. You might as well get used to it.

What other points make me prefer studying abroad rather than here?

  • I’m pretty sure that I’d have to apply in Norway several times before I finally get a spot in medical school. Not only that means time but also money. It’s getting more and more expensive to take the required exams. The examination fees double when you are trying to improve your grade rather than taking the exam for the first time.
  • I am not willing to wait much longer. Age is becoming a concern to me.
  • Studying among people from all over the world gives me a good feeling (right now!).
  • I don’t believe that the studies in Norway are that much easier than in Eastern Europe. Medicine is a tough course no matter where you take it. Straight to the point: you must sit and read until you know your material by heart. Here or in China, things won’t change when it comes to that.
  • Quality of life. It is possible to study in Eastern Europe and rent an apartment by yourself for example. Food and everything else is so much cheaper compared to Norway. Students can definitely live better in Eastern Europe with the same amount of money. 
I am not applying to medical school this year anyway.
Meanwhile, I want to read as much biology, chemistry and physics as possible. And enjoy my last year of freedom. 

2016 will be the year. I’ll be more than ready by then.

All the sudden I feel that the sky is clearing up for me.

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