Mytomatodiary #26

28th of October

Total number of tomatoes: 3
  • Biology: 3 [Carbohydrates; Lipids and Proteins] = I feel like these topics belong more to chemistry rather than biology, but they are extensively covered by this biology book that I am reading. It is actually very interesting. I learned what these macro-nutrients are, their composition and structure and how they are used by the human bodies and plants.


I’m gonna be honest with you. I had planned to do so much more with my time today. However, the day was sort of busy and it ended with a very nice surprise. I love surprises and since I don’t get them that often, I decided to embrace the moment and enjoy it as much as possible.

Remember that no matter how badly we must study we are allowed to live as well.

Chemsitry II and Physics I

A new mindset

Home sweet home

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