Entrance Exam Preparation (EEP) – Day 1

I have enrolled in the entrance exams for the General Medicine (MD) Program at:

  • Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary.
  • MUG – Medical University of Gdansk – in Poland.

Semmelweis is recruiting students (in Oslo) on the 5-6th of March and MUG on the 12-13th. 
The applicants to Semmelweis will be tested in Chemistry, Biology and Medical English + 1 Interview. Everyone has to be interviewed despite their exam results.
However, if you do great on the exams to MUG (they also test you in Chemistry and Biology), you will be offered a place without being interviewed. 
So the countdown is on! 
I consider the 3rd of February the day when I really put myself together and started working towards my goal. Up until that day I was just lost.
The topics covered on my first day were:
  • Biology: The Cell Structure and Function + The Cell Membrane
  • Biochemistry: Amino Acids
  • Organic Chemistry: Nomenclature + Acid/Base
Now that I actually have a plan I will be posting what topics I cover every day. 
Let’s do this! 

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