EEP – Day 7

Perhaps I haven’t yet written about it but I’m taking Cell Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Oslo. I actually registered in Physics as well but I’ve decided to drop it because I will not be able to handle 3 subjects and my part-time job. 

The biggest problem when attending the University here in Oslo is that so much of your science classes are mandatory… I understand that they must limit your absence in the laboratory classes. But I think all the theory classes should be optional. It’s just impossible to be there almost every day. Especially if you have to work on the side. University is supposed to be for adults who actually want to learn. Whether people do it alone or in lecture, it’s none of your professor’s business. 
So right now I’m still enrolled in Cell Biology and Biochemistry. 
Cell Biology has been a big bonus for us who are taking the entrance exams in March. So much of what we learn is relevant for the exams. 
Today was a busy day. 4 hours of class (group class + laboratory), 1-hour break and finally heading home to sleep before the night shift. 
What did I read? Pretty much zero. I reviewed a lot in the group class though.
I am not beating myself up for this one. Life is not only about studying and reading efficiently. Sometimes things get on the way and we must deal with them immediately. So let’s call a break day. 

Medical University of Gdansk

Home sweet home

Happy New Year!

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