Mytomatodiary #9

1st of October


Total number of tomatoes: 7
  • Human Physiology: 4 [Heart Electrical Activity; Heart as a Pump; Circulatory System] = Fascinating! But I feel that many of the new concepts didn’t really sink in my brain. So let’s keep reading!
  • Norwegian: 3 [Grammar and Written Exercices] = I know better now. I’ll do better from now on.


Today I woke up around 16:00, took a quick shower and ran to the Norwegian class which started at 17:15. I had to leave a little earlier (20:10) in order to come home and prepare my bag for the night shift. Coming home, preparing some food, checking all the stuff that I usually take with me to work, leaving, arriving at work (21:35) and…

‘Hi, Hugo. What are you doing here?’ – asked me the nurse, while everyone else stared at me surprised.
‘Hi, guys. I’m here to work with Steinar.’
‘Seriously? I can’t believe it… One more? I have 3 people here saying that they’re working with Steinar. Let’s see what who we’re going to send home tonight.’

My boss has resigned because she got another job. The guy who is supposed to substitute her has not yet come for whatever reason. She renewed all the contracts that were coming to an end and gave us a paper with our schedule for October. However, there is no register of our schedules in the computer system. A big mess!

‘Hugo and Anna: you guys get to go home. I will talk to someone tomorrow morning and let you guys know when your next shift is. Good night.’ – said the nurse.

Not much left to say, right? Organisation is not something I expect from a public institution. So I got the chance to come back home and enjoy myself. 

I think I have managed more than half a year without chips. Until today. I had a priceless moment while eating them though. 

This is the school where I am taking the Norwegian course (Preparation for Bergenstest). I’m very happy with the course and the Torkel (the teacher) is excellent.

I’m tired. I guess my body just wants to relax a little and try to get some sleep.

Good night! 

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